Supporting and promoting women’s football Feb 12, 2020

The New Hope Foundation is proud to support and endorse women’s football, not only by way of equal opportunities but also for the clear benefits this sport has to offer, as is shown by the following figures from a study carried out by UEFA, involving more than 4,000...
Do you see the problem? They don’t! (2016)

Do you see the problem? They don’t! (2016)

This shock, sensitisation campaign, “Do you see the problem? They don’t! ” was aimed at raising awareness amongst the general public of the effects of discourtesy and anti-social behaviour on the mobility of the blind and the partially sighted. The campaign was...

Release of “Diversity” labels (2017)

Over 85 different companies and organisations took part in this event which was aimed at bringing companies committed to jobs diversity to the forefront. The Brussels Minister for Employment, joined by the Director of Independent Services at the Brussels-based...
Release of “Diversity” labels (2017)

Release of “Diversity” labels (2017)

It is a fact that football, today, is no longer the sole preserve of men. In evidence of this, in 2006 the Belgian football Federation (URBSFA) included some 15,000 players. This has now been supplemented by more than 38,000 women with football club membership. And...
Battle of Champions (2019)

Battle of Champions (2019)

This event of international scope has made use of the mobilising and unifying force of sport and parasport to reach a public that is diverse in all respects. This Battle of Champions – Fight for Equalitysports gala, intended to draw attention to disability, has...